Monday, September 01, 2008

thank you for praying...

World's most successful carwash, $830. Who even makes that much money at a carwash? We did. We also had $850 of donations towards the school's account as a whole and were sponsored at 27.50 per car and washed 52 cars. When you add all the numbers together it is approximately 3,000 dollars. Wow, God, thank you! We all saw our numbers come down. Personally, I had about $600 dollars come in this weekend. I am now sitting at 6,137 dollars before I am sitting on a plane to Indonesia. Thank you for all your prayers and emails and contact.

Today Robyn shared about Jesus and Suffering for our Jesus Devo. The world clearly states, keep yourself safe, hide from the bad. I mean, I change the channel when the "feed the children" commercials come on, it is uncomfortable to see others in pain. Robyn shared that Jesus was greatly moved and then embraced the pain. There were times in his suffering when he would draw away in the suffering, we are allowed to feel the pain. I think this is something I haven't embraced. It is not natural to want to feel pain.

On Wednesday we are headed to a private hospital! All week we are learning newborn care. So far we have only gotten up to pulling the placenta out, and now we actually get to think about caring for the baby and watching the mum and bub (the aussies shorten anything they can) connect. We will have the chance to palpate a placenta and learn recessatation. We are on the edge of our seats.


Tomorrow Sarah and I present the need of Swaziland to the class. 47% of the country is infected with HIV/AIDS. It is estimated the country will die out by 2050. 70% of the people live on less than a dollar a day. I had no idea until about three weeks ago. God be the solution.

Well fam and friends, I hope to hear from you. It really makes my day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thank you Lord for providing for my friend and sister Bekah.. I know you will continue to sustain her as she trusts in You and steps out in faith. I praise You for what You're doing for her and for being with her always as she seeks to shake this world upside down with Your love.

ps. check your facebook bek