Wednesday, September 24, 2008

6 days.

In less than six days I will be in Indonesia. I feel ready to take off. I picked out all the clothes I am taking last night. I originally thought that everything I brought here with me had to go on outreach, but thanks to a little shed behind someone's house, I get to leave things like my winter jacket. As a team we have several suitcases that we will haul along in compensation for our 13 kg backpacks. Personally, I was assigned the job of bringing a ceramic, expensive water filter in my carry-on. No pressure. Anyway, we will be taking off at 4:30 pm on Tuesday and then staying overnight at the Bangkok airport. Yay Thailand!

Today we had a commitment time as a school. We spent time waiting on God about what we were fully commited to for outreach. I saw Him surface some stuff that I hadn't even thought of. It was a powerful time of unity as we prayed over the person on our left after they shared. Those moments of vulnerability are never easy for me. Today I was thinking about it as I was about to share and then came to, and realized, "hey, this probably isn't easy for anyone". Haaha... Self absorption. Lame.

These next days will be spent busily cleaning the base, our classroom, bedroom, etc. We had our final speaker on Tuesday, and we will have one more inspirational speaker on Friday.

It seems to be the next step to be leaving Perth. I really like Australia. It won't be the same when I return.


Anonymous said...

well laddy frickn da....hey that will shakespeer over there. I hope your motivational speaker doesn't live in van down by the river...
I had to do it, you set yourself up:)

Anonymous said...

Bek...I only wished I had thought of that b/4 Molly. Ah...good memories...they mean so much to us these days. I love and miss you more than I can sometimes handle! Praying that you are content, and excited as God's plans are unfolding each day. Cannot wait to hear and read about the first delivery that you attend. Oh, how I wish I could be with you for so many reason.

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My Bekah you'll be!

Go God...Go Bek!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my word, your Mum made me cry!!
But I, too, cannot wait to hear your next story!
God be with you!

Megan said...

bek, i am so thrilled for you and the new experiences that are going to come your way oh so soon. i've actually been in the missions office at my school all afternoon putting together pictures from an indonesia trip this summer and i couldn't help but think of you. i loved looking at your pictures in the previous blog too.. thanks for posting and keeping us all updated bek. miss you and can't wait to hear from you next from indo!

Gretchen said...

take a big bite outta that plum of life, and keep us all posted.