Sunday, July 10, 2011

first week.

i just brought my clothes in from the outside line. they are nearly frozen. it is winter in australia.

it is the start of week two on the birth attendant school 2011. the week was full of "getting to know you conversations", lots of hot drinks and me/sarah running around trying to figure out what in the world we were doing. i still feel a little bit like "what am i doing?" but G*od has been is so trustworthy. he has been speaking to me in the confused moments. sarah and i were looking at the loaves and fish this morning and the disciples just keep going back to J*esus, asking him "now what?". so here is what i'm thinking, if i keep going back to him, i am going to get an answer and next step.

i'm thinking back to last sunday's conversations with the girls and thinking about todays conversations with the is so impressive how J*esus has brought us together already.

in other news, i am peeling, and it is depressing to think that my tan is only going to fade from here on out.

here is to another week :)