Wednesday, September 03, 2008

and night...

Tonight was a beautiful night of community. We have the market night to raise money for outreach, which may seem counter productive since six schools are headed on outreach, so where is the money going to come from? The heart of our evening was to bless the other schools with our creativity, and money seemed to just be a biproduct. As Becca put it "we are going to win the market night!". We went into the evening joyfully and with the right heart to bless the other schools.

The BAS set up quite the spread including: base-famous peanut butter fudge, chocolate and peanut butter balls, crocheted headbands and cell phone covers, cards, and an old fashioned "fishing" game where you could win any of our homemade goods. Some of the crowd drawers were "watch-Dave-make-sushi" bar and the absolutely-irresistable-hot-off-the-griddle-Norwegian-waffles. Most unique, profitable and hilarious was the Singing Telegrams. You could decide who you were selling it to, what song you wanted, how many people and what those people are wearing. Just to give everyone a taste, we began a slow clap in the middle of the market bustle, one by one we formed into a line and then it began, "Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend...", then came the silence, the staring and the all time favorite, beat-boxing. What a crowd stopper and knee slapper. We have four more acts sometime this week. I am anticipating the shock when 12 girls dressed in salvation army clothes knock on the door of an unsuspecting recipient. Hehehe!

Anyway, God is so good. We saw nearly three hundred dollars come in tonight, where it came from, who knows? I believe that in the changing of hands, God is multiplying the money. Amen.

So, since Saturday, when we were at nearly 49,000 dollars, we have seen 12,000 dollars come in. Praise God! Personally, I broke into 5,000s today! I saw almost a thousand dollars come in. God is pushing me and I am learning. This is the time for faith to grow. I believe as a school and as a base, trusting God for finances is a pillar in community-building. As we were in a huge lunchtime prayer today, I got the song from High School Musical stuck in my head, "We're all in this together...". Zach and Gabriella, I like them. Anyway, I really feel like our coming together is bringing power, breaking strongholds, keeping the enemy at bay.

Thank you for all your prayers, I believe the flow of generosity from the carwash and the market is due to prayer beforehand and during the fundraising hours.

Please email me any prayer requests that you have or just drop a comment to say "hi", I really like those.

God is good.


Anonymous said...

I love community!!!!

crredding said...

Whats up Rebekah :) I was talking to Lacey the other day about our time in Europe and laying out on the rocks in Cinque Terre :) I miss you.

Gretchen said...

Sounds like a fun night, too.

blessings, gretchen