Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the last winter cafe is tonight!

I feel silly again writing a blog about how revolutionary the teaching has been, but it is looking that way again.

I think as long as we have a teachable heart, as long as we are open to recieve, as long as we are filtering people's views through the Bible, we will always be learning more and more.

This morning we had our final testimony shared. Over the past four weeks, each of us has shared our life story at small group. It has been in this time that we have seen breakthrough in one on one times (staff and student meetings), lectures and relationship. It also has to do with the progression of time, but there has been more depth and understanding coating the classroom as we learn about people's lives. I have rejoiced in my friends' redemption (and mine) endlessly. God is good. Amen?!

Anyway, I want to ask something of each of you. Would you be willing to sponsor me for our carwash this weekend? I am excited to have my friends involved with raising money for our outreach. Currently, we have seen 70,000 dollars come in, and now we need another 50,000. All of our money is due September 10. So far we are washing each car for 9 dollars! Yay! I want to see this quadrupled...atleast. Whether you can give 10 cents per car or 5 dollars per car, each bit counts. Please feel open in asking any questions!

In our financial prayer, it is often brought up, to be the persistent widow. To give of what we have, to be faithful in the small. I am convinced we will see our needs provided for, someway, somehow. We must be in a place of needing a miracle in order to see one happen.

One quick story before I post. About two weeks ago, my power adapter for my computer starting acting funny, you know, melting the plastic, smelling like you had put Glad-Ware on the bottom rack of the dish washer. It was actually so hot to touch, that I was avoiding plugging it in. I was imagining it exploding and then blasting out my computer screen. Anyway, Saturday morning, my cord spliced a three inch hole in itself. After the initial shock, I didn't know what to do. There is no Apple store, perhaps I could send it to Sydney? I wasn't sure if it was even worth the cost. Anyway, one of my roommates asked a fellow Mac user...and it turns out, a four minute walk away, is a store that honors Mac warranties. I walked over there on Monday, and by this morning had a brand new adapter. Thanks Jesus.

Anyway, guys, God is moving in Perth. How about the rest of the world? I would love to hear from you all! Thank you Sarah Park for your prayer request!

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