Sunday, August 17, 2008

and we are at the beginning of a new internet month.

I am way past due for a blog update. I did send out an email update last week, does that count for something? The thing I don't like about missing an update is because I miss details, and that seriously agitates me when I can't share all the details.

This week we had an incredible teacher. Not only was he a guy (it is nice to get some testosterone in the classroom every once in a while, although it is more work because we have to put all our models away and turn over all the posters) but his heart is beating for the lost. He presented evangelism to us as a lifestyle. I have been longing for this, but I have not seen it lived out thoroughly. When I think of it as a lifestyle I start to think, "if it is a lifestyle, how will I ever have time to do anything else?" To Danny, we must be lead by the Holy Spirit. As he put it "Jesus walked through the crowds and didn't talk to everyone".

Danny began to softly share his story with us. His parents radically became Christians when he was seventeen. He had grown up hearing the stories of Jesus because his parents forced their kids into Sunday School each week since they wanted nice kids. This transition shook Danny up and he began to push it all away. All he ever wanted was a wife and babies he said, he ended up doing his nurses training and in his early twenties his girlfriend got pregnant. When she decided to abort the baby and rejected his proposal, he went over the edge. Long story short, Danny was doing intravenous drugs for six years. At the age of thirty he came to know the Lord, and essentially has dedicated his life to making God known.

Of course it is these powerful testimonies that people think are "real testimonies", but Danny rebuked those lies, and shared how each of have a different flavour of God in our lives. What we view God as, is what we will share God as. If we see God as our source of joy, that is what people will see God as, if we haven't spent time with God in two months, that is what people will see God as. On Thursday, Thursday night and Friday afternoon, as we proclaimed to the city of Perth, I saw each of our 31 Flavours (ok there aren't 31 of us) come out.

Anyway, we saw two people come to know jesus on Thursday night. Go God! And probably fifty people prayed for...Amen.

On Monday of this week, we had a woman from Denmark come to the base and share about herself. She challenged basically everyone's thinking. What stood out to me was "the Kingdom of God will violate the world". Evangelism is not normal. Going up and talking to people, is not comfortable. Telling people that "God talks to me, I believe he thinks you are beautiful" is not a light conversation. I need to be shaken from my cozy hide. I believe this began to happen a bit more this week. I want to be a violater.

Okay, thank you for praying for our carwashes. Last week, we made $510 and this weekend $770! Go God! We really saw a release of finances.

In the headlines of this week. Drumroll please...we will be headed to Indonesia for 2 months, Cameroon for 4 months and then Sudan for 2 months. Thank you for all your prayers! We are all VERY excited for our locations and KNOW they are ordained by God.

This has been a week of the Holy Spirit moving. God is so cool.

Some prayer requests:
-I have about a fourth of my outreach fund! Praise God! I need approximately 6,000 more dollars. Pray for a release.
-We need to submit our base fundraiser sometime this will take some time to compile it. Please pray for ideas, motivation and a release!


crredding said...

we need to talk about this more. It is something that I've been thinking a lot about

Megan said...

im so excited for you bek..indonesia, cameroon, and sudan.. holy cow its going to be amazing!

i LOVE your thoughts on the world seeing God as what we share him as, and how we live our lives based on this knowledge. ive been thinking about this too the past few months..its astonishing that God has chosen to use us to represent him to the entire world. at the same time, there could not be a bigger responsibility.

keep going bek. dare to be a violater for His glory.

love you.