Friday, July 25, 2008

i was thinking i should not tell you what the stench was...but then again...

I thought about exaggerating my story, but that would be lying. So in lieu of a legendary story, it was mildewed clothes. I do insist, none of us had smelled clothes this bad. They had been placed in a plastic sack, soaking, for 4 days, then taken out, left in a corner until our discovery. It is strange, Anna is rather mother-like (in the most nurturing way possible) and makes sure our room is tidy and swept. So sometime between the morning room checks and tea break, Sarah's younger sister had dumped her revolting pjs in our room. A dead rat would have been just as exciting, I was just as positive as Steve that something such as a rat or marsupial had died.

This week has been nothing short of world-shaking. Monday we did A&P of the Pelvis and then Tuesday A&P of the Placenta. How powerful it is to learn God's detail through the lense of God's eyes, not an overworked Professor's eyes. I have appreciated my year of sciences at EvCC, but to sit in a classroom, where the five other students are just as fascinated by the function of the Chorion being God's provision as I am, is incredible. Often in conclusion of lecture, we will talk about God's Character in pregnant women. The way women change, how their brains know exactly what is going on and being changing the body, I come to a loss for words, it is an awe summoning image of God bringing new life into this shattered world when a baby is developing in the woman.

This week for two days, and our first week of lectures, we have had Jules speak to us. Jules graduated from med school at the age of 22 from the UK. Either she is brilliant or the system is slightly different, probably a combination of both. She came into YWAM at the age of 24, and since then has been involved with the healthcare focus here at YWAM Perth. She believes that doctors can specialize in missions and this October will be pioneering the DRS, Doctors Reaching School. I have been blessed in the way that she humbly imparts her wisdom and love for healthcare to us. At the end of her lectures, she would ask us, "What have learned about God's character?"

Since Wednesday we have teamed up with the July DTS (Discipleship Training School) as they have been learning about the character of God. Chris Adams leads the School of Worship here at Perth, he reminds me of my cousin Keith. Some people giggled when they heard we had just been learning about the Placenta on Tuesday and then God's Character on Wednesday, but we BASers just looked at eachother and smiled, knowing we have been learning about His character since day one, just in a bit more of an anatomical perspective.

I feel awoken. We are in a broken world. All of our sins are affecting the people around us, who then sin because of what we have done to them, who then hurt others, who hurt their kids, who hurt their grandchildren. God is divinely patient. Waiting to bring us to heaven. But giving us a chance to witness to the world. Arise church, there is urgency. Shake yourself from your cozy little hide. There is urgency. This is the now. Love people like you have never loved. Reach out. Sow generously. I must know God and make Him known. These past three days have been tearful, exhausting, yet this is the beginning.

In a couple hours we have Friday Night Meeting. This is another all-base time, where we meet as the base and invite the community, essentially a church service. I look forward to these times, to open the doors, worship together. The wash machines are now available for use, so I am off.

Family and Friends, thanks for your comments, I look forward to reading the tidbits. Please keep me updated on you.

Oh right quick, a couple of prayer requests.
-Our speaker for next week cancelled due to sickness, she has been battling Typhoid recently.
-Outreach fees are due Sept. 10 (a bit sooner than I expected, but God knew all along).
-I am a cold sore mess, please pray against sickness.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!

Hope For Life said...

Hey! Your lectures sound so cool! I love learning about God in new ways. Oh and I guessed that the stench was some kind of rotten food. Megan though it was a small dead animal.

On Megan and I writing like a married couple, we basically are. We call each other hubby, sleep in the same bed, brush our teeth together, and share everything.h

Anonymous said...

I was glad to hear it wasn't your molded cloths. We leave for camp in 3 days! I so wish you were here! We have over 100 people going to Delaney! Isn't that crazy? I will be praying for you. Love you!

Miss Patti