Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This is a post from a couple days ago. As for today though, I will now be a regular blogger, and on Thursday we will even have wireless speed internet. Woooooohoo!

Allow me to catch you up on today's events, we had intercession, learned about hemoglobin and then I answered two phone calls and took the mail to the post office. Besides enjoying the rainy bike ride, it gives me joy feeling like the mailman on Mr.Rogers Neighborhood, plus I can imagine Elsie and Claire yelling "when it comes it makes me yell, MAILLLLLLL!!!"

9. July. 08

Hehehe…We are listening to Regina Spektor in the classroom of Birth Attendants. I started telling the girls about how big Regina’s hair has the potential of becoming. Something in that moment clicked and Connie(a Norwegian roommate of mine) told me that she liked my hair. Molly, we are meant to be in that video. You are right…

I have decided to write my update right now even though I am sure when I will be able to upload it.

I have felt quite disconnected from home all week, it has been interesting. Yesterday, when I tried to pay my school fees I was rudely awoken when the transaction didn’t go through, I remembered that I had used my card without contacting the credit union. Anyway, they freeze it when there are unauthorized international charges. Not too short after I realized internet cost twice as much as I had expected. After I put two and two together I figured that I need the internet to contact the Credit Union to thaw out my account, but I won’t have internet until I have to cash to buy it…Catch-22? The day that I am able to upload this will be an exciting one! I am hoping to use a roommate’s computer tonight or tomorrow, but the internet has been down since they connected everyone yesterday. What an eventful day!

Traveling for 36 hours to Perth was the lengthiest plane travel I have succeeded in so far. I have included excerpts from my journal.

Wednesday, 2. July. 08, 6:15pm
“…The tears didn’t stop stinging my face until I put my stiff Toms back on after security. My stomach was growling for more than food than a butterless waffle. I settled for a Bagel Shop near the D1 gate. How strange it is to be in the Domestic Flight gate.
I am momentarily distracted by Camo man who is disturbed by the blocked gate. Heightened Security. Shocker. Patience is invaluable in airports. I don’t think he wants to hear this right now.
Anyway, Bagel Shop, as I settled to eat my crispy, Spotted Cow-esque, cheesy creation, I couldn’t really think about the recent good-byes. I knew I had cards to read, but I feared that would make it worse. I am avoiding the ugly cry at all costs. After a youthful business woman sat down to share my table, I coaxed my mouth to chew for the benefit of my stomach.
A half-a-bagel later, I was yearning for the notes in “my” bag. I packed up my uneaten lunch and headed to where I am currently sitting. One by one, the tears creeped through. The rush of memories, reminders of people who love me and words that pierce my sadness. I enjoyed the photo of Callie and I. It seems so long ago that we were the students. You are right Cal, Auston is definitely staring at Molly…I will have to let that one go now…
I unbuttoned my jean pocket and pulled out the words of my cherished sister, I felt the immediate encouragement and love that I had just left.
“today surprisingly, I feel joy and adoration. Our need of you staying is purely selfish and that is a sin against God. Today is the beginning of a great journey, a lifelong one.”
It would be selfish of me not to go, Lord, you called me.
“Our hearts will hurt only for a season. My bed will be cold only for a few days. I will be lonely only until I get brave and make friends.”
There is so much comfort in this reality. God, you have asked me to leave and I am ready. I am passionate about it. I often wonder how it will be when I leave. You know God. I am walking in your plan.
“Go and be free little lamb, God is waiting and so is the world of mums and babies…”
Lord, this family of mine. I entrust them into your hands. I am free.
Part of the airline crew sat down next to me, mid-journal. He shared that the security breech was most likely because an 8-year old kicked an emergency door. Hehe…I wouldn’t tell that to Camo man.”

9pm…I think?
"Friendly Stewardesses. Outgoing Neighbors. Claire-stare-bear seat mates. LA artists. Warm Gingersnaps. 2% Non-Smith Brothers. Faux-Athletes. Comfy “boxer briefs”. God’s peace. Heart burn. Cat nap. Stunning sunset. Wandering worries. Am I there yet?"

3. July. 08
“Happy birthday Sister Sarah! I have spent this 16-hour flight pretending to be left-handed. The man sitting next to me has daddy-long leg arm hairs. Even when I thought I had escaped them through ambidextrousness, he would take over the armrest and painfully tickle my shy forearm. The plane was quite stuffy when we boarded which was keeping me from my tendency to fall asleep before take off. Despite the humidity of the carrier, I shielded myself with a wool blanket; it seemed to be the lesser of two evils. The foot long arm hairs were invading any chance of rest, it was completely necessary to take up my guard.
Later I learn he is friendly. He calls me “love” everytime I get out of the aisle seat for him to stretch his leg. I’m guessing he is in his early 70s, traveling with his wife and her mother. I can’t imagine traveling with my residents…
Molly, I am thankful for these boxer-brief-esque underwear…even though they are made in Macau. Oh, and I have a bruise on the dorsal side on my hand from hitting my hand on the door handle. Do you feel bad for laughing? Probably not…
Guess what? We are landing, and “I keep bleeding, I keep keep bleeding love…” is on. Hahaha! We are in Sydney. Surprise! We didn’t have enough fuel to make it to Melbourne. The writing is difficult with turbulence and no tray table…daddy-long legs is crawling.”

Okay guys...I know it is just a snippit, and I haven't yet written anything about the Base or my school...there is so much to tell, and blog post by blog post it will come...


Lacey said...

You are wonderful! I feel like I'm there with you. Although to be honest, after reading about the daddy long leg arm hairs, I'm pretty glad I'm not =)

Keep 'em coming...

Jill Backstrom said...

Bekah, I know what picture you are talking about with Auston lookin at Molly. I am so glad to hear from you. I hope you enjoyed that little bit for a candy bar in the airport. I really could picture the girls yelling mail,kinda like on the phone when they say they want to see you!! I hope all is well and that you will have an AMAZING experience!!!Love ya

Pam said...

Bekah, there are chills up my spine - I think I sat next to daddy-long-legs's brother on my trip to Indiana! Ick. I can SO relate! And I need to see this pic of Auston and Molly....I can only imagine! Your stories are marvelous, you must write a book one day!
Here's to future blogs!
Miss Pam

Anonymous said...

Bek, you are so funny. I was sitting at my desk laughing and someone walked in and just looked at me! I then explained that I was reading something funny! I love and miss you and can't wait to read more!!

Love you,

crredding said...

Arm hair is manly!
love ya bek :)

Anonymous said...

Bekah you are crazy ridiculous funny! I miss you bed buddy! Molly gave me the card you made me this Sunday and let me tell you sista, sista it could not have come at a better time! I was having a mother of a day.
ahaha oh baby, I feel like I should be using lots of baby and mama terms like that seeing as you're at a baby/mama school.
Ok, well I just wanted to say hey baby..ahaha
and I love you to the 5th! Like the 5th power, I thought I should clarify because last time Chad thought I was saying like a 5th of alcohol? But I'm sorry Bekah, I do not love you to the 5th of alcohol.
ok, I'm done now I swear.

Anonymous said...

hey...found that macau is located in china. figures...its right next to hong kong. its not a mystery anymore...
lobe you

Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of travel buddies! Miss you! Ya, I thought he was looking at her!

Gretchen said...

Hi Bekah,

Your mom told me about your blog, and interestingly, I had lurked there only the day before then, after hopping on NL's new website. I loved "catching up" with you and getting to know you a bit better through your blog.

My hubby is in China, where he travels often, and he can probably relate to the daddy long legs story. Maybe he's BEEN someone's daddy long legs! Dear, I hope not!

Blessings on your adventure. We'll take care of the folks at home as best as we can until you can come back. Meanwhile take good care of yourself, and I'll be checking in. Meanwhile, if you're ever bored, you can look up my minutia at Jewels in My Crown...Someday. :)


Anonymous said...

Bekah, Looks and sounds like your doing great! Definitely enjoy the adventure, God has obviously blessed you and the rest of your family with awsome hearts and gifts to share with others in the world. What a great example you all are for the rest of us to follow!

Take care and God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

quite interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.