Monday, November 30, 2009

Hi all. Here is a testimony from the post caesarian section/eclamptic ward that I was in this week.

We cannot detest the small. Even taking someone’s blood pressure can change their life.

This is written by one of the students from South Korea .

I was working in the ICU and met Rehema she is 20 and had just lost a baby for the second time, I asked her if I could pr*ay for her but she said no, so I just took her vitals. After lunch I went to take her vitals again, her pulse was weak, and she didn’t want to eat anything. Her heart was broken. I told her I knew she was feeling sad, and I told her my testimony that before I knew J*sus I didn’t want to live, but I met JESUS. I said “Now I am here so I want to introduce you to J*SUS, J*SUS gave me hope, do you want to believe in J*SUS.” This time she said YES, I led her in a pr*ayer of sal*ation, and I pr*ayed for her after and her face was radiant and her smile beautiful, her pulse was strong and she even wanted to eat. The next day I went to see her again; I gave her Kiswahili sc*ipture and taught her how to pr*ay, she was so happy to know J*SUS.


Rachel H said...

that's so amazing it brought tears to my eyes! hooray for jesus and hooray for hyunsuk!

love you guys so much!

Gretchen said...

Amazing sweet the sound.