Monday, October 16, 2006

The Real World

I have known for the last year or so, that the society we live in gives us a tainted view of how we are supposed to live. It seems that now more then ever, this idea keeps hitting me between the eyes.

This week we are learning about "relationships". Of course everyone thinks about boy/girls relationships immediately. I figured it would be about that and relationships within our community. It seemed as if we bearly touched on either of these topics...

What really stood out to me, is how twisted of a mindset so many of us have of the world and how we think we are supposed to act. We make such a big deal of everything around us, mostly about ourselves. Everything that happens to us, we must make a fuss about, everything we don't like, we have to express our feelings so everyone knows what we think...we must always let people know what is going on with us. Ahh but the world is so much bigger and relationships are so much deeper then this. I realized how selfish I am in almost every relationship I am in. Frank talked about relationships that are anchored to the soul vs. relationships that are anchored to the spirit. I have so much to work on...We are so fallen as people, yet God is glorified when we work towards perfection. There were so many concepts discussed today, none of which I ever would have guessed, and I am still processing so much...

I often about how Steve told us to "revolutionize the way we live". I am so thankful for that mindset.

Hmm...hope you are all confused. I know I am. Haha. I will post again tomorrow. :)


Anonymous said...

Bekah, it is so great to hear how God is growing you in your time in Germany. You are an amazing young lady and I am blessed to count you a friend. I'm praying for you and I love you!

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear more about relationships set in the soul and relationships set in the spirit...