Sunday, October 15, 2006

Here's the deal

Hey Guys. Thanks for moving sites with me. So...I have been posting on my old site, but it hasn't been updating because someone is using my computer for the YWAM Herrnhut site. It is taking up all the space on my program because there are so many pictures and videos and all that stuff. When I update, it doesn't actually change the site at all because there is no room left. I have decided to just make a new site so that I can actually update it. Here you can comment on my posts too! How exciting! Love you guys! Sorry it took so long to get this up...things have been busy around here!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got a site here, I can't wait for the updates. Have a great day Bekah!

Anonymous said...

Bekah....we need pictures! Glad to have this to look forward to as we were frustrated each day with 'no new news!' We love you so much and can't wait to hear from you again soon. Claire and Elsie said to tell you how much they love you!!!!! Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey bekah! It's hannah(banana). I am so lonesome around here. There is nothing to do except homework. I get so bored all the time. I miss you so much. Me and a couple friends at youth group on Sundays were talking about how much we miss you. I wish I could come visit, even though that is practically impossible.

Anonymous said...

Bekah, between you and Molly, I can't keep up. Just want you to know I love you and of course miss you. Just like anonymous said...send pictures! You be safe over there. Uncle Dave say's "HI".
Love, Aunt Tina