Saturday, March 28, 2009

rumbly in my tummy

I think everytime this week that I got the gurgly-oh-no-what-are-we-going-to-do-feeling in my belly from having to talk about our schedule, G*od came through. Can I just say, that he always does. Not how I expect, but he does. Oh man, we had about 47 amazing inter*cession times this week about how G*od was leading us for this time and in the end, we don't have our full 9 weeks planned out, but he keeps ushering me and our team into his promises and faithfulness. I love him.

This week we met some TBAs (Traditional Birth Attendants) who help with the deliveries in their villages. We also met several woman who deliver their own babies. Sarah, it's what you have always wanted. One woman has done it seven times. Anyway, we have planned a seminar with them to teach about the things that they are longing to learn more about. We are hoping for it to be more like a discussion and then we pitch in some new info. I'm looking forward, these women are wise and experienced.They are passionate about good care for their women, I think we will learn a lot from them.

Some deep impressions that we got were to serve the base. They are growing in their inter*cession and community and we are enjoying partnering alongside them for this time. It feels like every country we land in, there are amazing people, pushing to bring in the presence of our G*od, while using their passion and joy. Ahh, I am greatly encouraged and enjoy making new friends here. This week we joined in with their prison ministry and I was able to share about the reproductive system and the uniqueness of women to the women who are on death row. I was scared to speak a word to them, but the moment they greeted us at the gate with a hug, I knew I had heard from the H*oly Spirit about what to speak on. They were giggly and loved asking questions about the body and my life.

We have been blessed to be a blessing my friends and through that G*od blesses us, a cycle of abundance.

Thank you for your pra*yers. I am enjoying this new home in Jinja.


Gretchen said...

You realize you're not simply interceding/ministering in Jinja, right, Bek?

He has so incredibly loved me thru your posts. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your heart
How can I be anythign else but
blessed by your "great adventure"
I love

Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen to both Dad and Gretchen. My heart is blessed and stretched every time I get to hear the sharing of your heart. You bless us far across the ocean and beyond! Much Love Cindy Nelson