Monday, May 03, 2010

Relationship Perversion. How do our sins affect others?

I haven't researched my thoughts and opinions, and probably never will, but need to get them all out on "paper". So have a look if you'd like. I don't if I have pinpointed the beginning of the sex trade, but these are the conclusions that have roughly been formulated these past couple weeks through inter*cession and interaction.

What are the implications of a massive hub, drawing mostly men, in and out, day after day, hour after hour...
Years and years ago the US Navy planted a base here in Subic Bay. It was around that time that Olongapo city was stigmatized as "Sin City". The chains that poverty leaves cities in has outworked itself into the sex trade...For years and years the women of the city have found that this is how they can provide for the family, this is what they capable of doing. Still today, when I walk up the street, there is bar after bar after bar advertising their "women", it is a booming industry.
Why did the women need to provide for their families? What are the implications of such a thriving economy stimulated by prostituting of bodies?
Each time I have done prenatal checks with women, they have had a "partner". The term "partner" is widely accepted here in Olongapo as a proxy for "husband" and vice versa. Most families are matriarchal because the father is such a temporary or ever-changing figure.
What does this do to the family structure here in Olongapo?
Girls are missing their fathers. Boys are missing their dads. The value that is due to each child from a father has been withheld. This also means that the view of G*od as our father, that is most greatly affected by our fathers, is absolutely thrashed when fathers are not a part of the picture. Meaning that boys and girls are searching in other places for what they are longing for.
How does this affect who I interact with each day?
I have seen maybe ten women, in total, that have been over the age of 25 in prenatal care. Our greatest number of pregnant women fall into the 15-19 category. I would say 4 in 5 of the women we see fit in that category. The teens of this city have not found the value that G*od intends for them to receive and the cycle of either prostituting themselves or rushing into relationships is the outcome. Daughters, mothers, sisters, women, have been absolutely raped of their value.

So what now?
G*od let your kingdom come in this place. Through man and woman being in covenantal relationship with you. Men and women who are committed first to you and then to each other. We want to see burst of your kingdom in this place.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bekah,
"Could i pray for your requests on May 8th? IT would be an honor!
Pam Z

Jean said...

God's kingdom is in that place because you are there. Praying for His living water to flow into you to give you strength, and out of you to bring spiritual and physical health to the people He chooses.