Friday, April 30, 2010

i have been trying to upload videos for three days. this will have to do for now.

Also, a wee report from my buddy Rach who just left Hyderabad with the rest of the team for Central Asia...this is from her update. Do you remember the woman I talked about meeting on the last day at the hospital? Well, they went and met her and this is how it went...

On Friday we went and did home visits and Cara, Alana and I were able to visit Shanaz - the woman Bek met at the hospital, She had lost her baby (due to placental abruption...aka...the placenta detaches from the uterus early). Her husband (Josef) was really lovely and directed our auto. They live a bit far away (about 75 rs) but we got there fine. They welcomed us into their home and we got to ask Shanaz a bunch of good post-natal check-up questions. We talked to her a bit about grieving and although she said she wasn't still sad she broke down crying. We let her cry a bit and then I asked if I could pray for her in the name of Je*sus and she said yes. Later we got to share with both her and her husband about why the school exists - who Je*sus is - how much he loves them and also talked to her husband a bunch about differences (and similarities) between is lam and chris ti an ity. They made us lunch ( dahl, rice and chicken - sooo good) and tea afterward. We stayed nearly 4.5 hours and they wanted us to stay longer but we had to go. We spent the entire afternoon laughing, crying, playing with her 5 year old (first child) daughter, loving and sharing with her and husband about the Hope that we have. She told us before we left that it felt like her sisters had come. (she has no family - her dad is dead, her brother and mother won't speak to her because they had a love marriage). It was a really beautiful day... we saw glimmers of hope in her as we hugged goodbye.

Here is some stuff Rach had in her post as well that maybe you would like.

NUMBERS: Although numbers only give a small part of the whole picture - let me give you an idea of what our time here has held. We delivered approximately 171 babies (and assisted at the births of countless others)of which 33 were in the last two weeks. More than 1000 people received some form of healthcare, around 500 people were prayed for, 5 came to know J*s us as their savior, and several hundred heard a test i mony of how G*d loves them. We visited more about a third of the women we delivered in the post natal ward the next day and 10 in their homes.

Yay! So cool!


Vickie Dinneen said...

Bek.....So glad to hear the update on Shanaz and her husband Josef!! Truly doors have been opened to all of you. Who wouldn't want to invite the likes of you and the BAS crew into their home? Loved the pix on facebook too....just so thrilled to see your beautiful face and see you in action too. My heart is full of gratitude for His faithfulness.

Much love!!


Holly Ann said...

Thanks for sharing, dear. It was fun to hear about what it going on from your friend. Can't wait for the video!