Sunday, September 05, 2010

sunday nights.

i say out loud "i just want the clock to stop" and my housemate responds "it is never going to happen", and thwarts me back into reality.

there is something about each weekend that reminds me again of my desire, the very being i have been created as, longs for eternity, where time will never end.

friday morning greets me as i prepare morning chores, characterized specifically by auditorium mopping, and i think to myself, wow the week is almost over. friday afternoon reminds me of my love for learning as we talk about how chris*ian mission should be advancing the kingdom of G*d, friday evening comes with a sigh of relief that i now have a weekend of possibility awaiting me. nearly every friday night, i have the best intentions to get to bed early so that i can make the most of the weekend mornings, but the excitement of not having anything pressing the next morning gives me leeway to hang out, wo*ship till the wee hours or make skype phone calls.

saturday morning i once again feel the joy of a free weekend and realize i better get onto it at 3pm--because keeping up at this rate and nothing will happen.

sunday morning i grieve because another day has passed, joy comes in the afternoon when i realize that i do have more time then the fogginess of my morning mind was telling me, sunday evening i dip back into a grievous state because as i realized on friday afternoon, the week has spiraled to a close.

have i come to conclusions about the revelations you gave me this week g*d?
have i told everyone what i really think of them?
have i shared coffee with someone new this week?
did i make a card for grandma's birthday?

i want to seal it off before the newness of this next week comes. nearly every sunday evening i feel unprepared, i have not sucked this last week dry for what it was worth.

time is passing, and i am not ready for the next day. my nieces are growing, writing, evolving and i have missed point a to point b's journey.

so back to this age old cliche, i need to live in the moment.

and i am reminded that i was created for eternity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister! Eternity - here we come! Alleluia - Jesus Christ has made it possible!

Sarah Park