Monday, July 05, 2010

new school. new schedule.

hi guys. the school started yesterday, the fourth of july, what a celebration!
i just spent some time tonight long boarding outside my aussie home. it feels like it is filling my snowboard love tank. i'm loving it, and i don't need snow pants to do it.
my friend lent me his board for the week while he is away at a youth camp. such an unexpected blessing.
anyway, just a testimony to how kinesthetic activities bring euphoric joy and clear minds. i had such a great time, nearly falling off, talking to dad, jumping ship, watching cars, riding...
I am enjoying a bit more laid back schedule, a more 8ish-7ish day than outreach or staffing a school can be. oh man G*d is good.


Anonymous said...

You deserve some down time Bek! Thinking of you and hoping very soon Rachel will arrive with goodies from home...Birthay and 'just because we love and miss you so much' gifts!!

xoxoxo Mom

Gretchen said...

Sending hugs.