Saturday, July 17, 2010

goodnight moon

Hey there guys. I am working on a "proper" update tomorrow. For now though...
I think I am adjusting back to the life lay before me in Perth.
A life that includes plenty of morning tea.
A life that includes baby sitting nearly every Sunday night.
A life that includes a revolving front door and a french press that can't be cleaned fast enough.
A life that includes dreading letting my feet touch the wood floor each morning.
A life that includes sitting with people from the nations at each meal.
A life that includes swallowing my pride and asking "What is your name? I have forgotten...again."
A life that includes commercial mops and disinfectant that dries only to smell like pee.
I am learning...that it is different...that it is okay for me to have free time...that G*d will show me how to use it and be wise with it, if I ask. There is adventure unfolding. I am being stretched. Hmmm...I like doing posts like this, don't I? I think my posts end up like when I feel like I have a lot to say but I don't know how to say it.

I am enjoying my last week of being 21.

My friend was epilating her legs while I was typing this and now she just turned it ears are ringing. I think that machine was used in Medieval times for torture.



pam said...

oh, bek, what a wonderful, musical description of your life-as-you-know-it-now! Enjoy this very special season, planned and provided just for you by our ever-attentive Lord!

Miss you lots!

(And oh yes, an instrument of torture it must have been! My sister in law and I could only manage one leg after about 2 glasses of wine. ick.)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy, savor, remember, recall,
I hope your last week @ 21 is
a furtive time of relaxation and
recreation... Happy Birthday!
Let me squeeze you. Nope, your not quite 22!
We'll miss you and your worship @ camp....

Gretchen said...

Lurved this. So quiet and gentle and of rested heart. At least that's what I imagined when I read your words. Happy belated b'day, Bek.