Sunday, January 04, 2009

thimbly bimbles

Hi Everyone…

December has come to a close and January was there to open a beautiful new year. On the evening of the 31st our two new staff, Paula and Hollie arrived along with our seventh student, Sarah (we were having a shortage of Sarahs). Becca and I met them by running along their bus and greeted them with an embrace. We spent the evening reconnecting and hearing what had been apart of everyone’s lives for the past three months. Paula has been busy serving in accommodations at the base, Hollie and her boyfriend were engaged last week (!) and Sarah completed her Psychology degree in November. The rest of us shared stories of adventures in Indonesia and our joy to have completed the applied lecture phase. Most of our travelers were ready for bed for the new year came in but the troopers stayed up and brought in 2009 with “Charade”, an Audrey Hepburn movie, it might be the last time I watch that one. After the Haring family went to bed, Connie, Sarah and I anxiously awaited one last person. Connie and Sindre were engaged last December before Sindre left for Perth, where he met up with his team to go to China for two years. Connie visited him before the BAS began. In 2008 she saw him for nine days. Finally at four am, the three of us heard the gate rattle and watched as they hugged for the first time. I cried. They have been so obedient and it was a joyful night for Sarah and I to watch them hug. There have been many tearful nights of them being separated…it felt so worth it when we saw them making eye contact for the first time. On the Fourth of July they will marry in Norway, Connie is completely American at heart.

As for the weeks leading up to our night of reunion, it has been challenging. Melisa and I have been joking that the word “flexible” has never meant this much “going with the flow” in our lives. From our two weeks travel time to the adjusting here, we all have had to battle for the curtains that have been hung.

Personally, I have been completely blessed as we all sing together, reflect and joke around. Yesterday, we had a “handing over” from Becca, Rachel and Sarah to Hollie and Paula. We would hug the leaders and then were sent over to the other leaders. I was ready to be blindfolded and tossed into the new leaders arms and I was among the minority. Afterwards, the three leaders had time to pack their bags and the rest of us spent time getting to know one another’s learning styles and our hospital expectations. I loved hearing the excitement in our new leader’s voices, completely refreshing, so eager to enter the hospital. There is wisdom that lies deep in their questions and experiences that build expectation for the next five months.

The three were set to go at nine pm last night. We had our final communion together. Rachel received the word to read from Nehemiah where a new law is in place and the people weep, but Nehemiah tells them to go and enjoy, “the joy of the Lo*rd is your strength”. She shared that tonight was to be like this, “yes, it is out of context, but there are changes in place, let the joy of the Lo*rd be your strength.” We closed by praying and sobbing over our leaders and soon they left through the abyss of darkness that lies outside the compound. The quiet awaited us inside. We stood and cried in one of those awkward hugging positions that seem to comfort you the most when you need to be embraced. The silence was broken after who knows how long by, “Chris is staring at us”. Becca left a picture of her comrade lover as the gatekeeper of our room.

I remember how Steve said, “When one person enter or leaves a community, it changes the whole community”. Today is our day off; we just finished our first meal without people who have been a part of our lives for the past six months. I have felt optimistic and excited for the past week about the change and I think I still am. In the moment though as I sit on my bunk, I feel melancholy, I am grieving the changes. It is through suffering that fulfillment comes. I am hopeful for the time to come. The joy of the Lo*rd is my strength today.


Gretchen said...

"I am hopeful for the time to come. The joy of the Lo*rd is my strength today."

May it always be so, sweet Bekah. Thank you, as always, for your transparency and also, as always, for thoughts for which to mull over.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bek for sharing your life away from us.
We miss you always but your blog
helps us to feel closer to you.
you continue to inspire me.
follow your dreams my dear
I love you!

Holly Ann said...

It is so good to hear from you, Bekah! I got lost in the emotion of what you wrote, and for a minute I felt like I was reading a novel about a girl who left what she knew and struck out on a mission to be obediant to her God...

Anonymous said...

Bekah, we miss you! You are in my prayers. I loved your previous post about fighting for the baby...I got teary. May God continue to be glorified through your team. We love you!