Sunday, November 27, 2011

a long time coming.

i can't tell you how many time i have written about two sentences on my blog and then gotten distracted by a skype conversation, a facebook post or an email and then before i know it my internet time is finished and another week has passed without an update.
its embarassing, really.

so let's have a fresh start, shall we?

week 10 in india has finished. and now we begin advent! so looking forward to the christmas season that refocuses why in the world we are doing and living life the way we are! how absurd that G*od entrusted a virgin teenager to carry his son into the world...had anything gone wrong...the absolute trust and risk he took with humankind, it excited me and makes me feel even more in reverence to his nature and character.

yesterday we went to a missionary couples house to celebrate thanksgiving. they have three children and the fourth is due in february-an immediate draw for a bunch of birth attendants. all week we have been scheming and shopping and prepping and the day was not a fantastic. at one point we busted out the guitar for some wor*ship and started pra*ying and worsh*ipping...during "you won't relent" the muslim call to prayer sounded in the background and was immediately drowned out by the voices of many nations singing together in unity. powerful.

the weeks have been packed full of babies, paperwork, meetings and late nights where i am the first to bed. i have become accustomed to a sleeping mask...i never thought i in community does funny things to you.

a little testimony from last week for you all...Marchien pr*ayed with some students earlier this week that we would meet women from previous years and reconnect with them. We have really been pressing in for eva*ngelism and more opportunities to lead people to the Lo*rd and then that came up in pra*yer...and no sooner had we pra*yed then we met Fatuma. As she struggled through her contractions she told us how "fia from canada" had helped her last time with her delivery. Incredible! fia was one of my students from two years ago. We rejoiced at the answered pra*yer. She comes from a muslim family and is so open to the gospel. This Wednesday we will go visit her at her house.

Bless you guys. thanks for reading. hopefully we will do this again soon?

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