Saturday, October 10, 2009

a first little report.

earth to my fellow family and friends. i am now alive and well in tanzania. communication is looking limited. but i want so badly to keep you posted.

my time is running slim on the internet, but in the next five minutes i will do my best to watercolour and little illustration for you...

we arrived safely and happily about twenty four hours after departure from perth. beate, a german midwife and her kenyan husband have been our amazing hosts. they are helping melisa (my trusty sidekick co-leader) and i to set up work in the hospitals and in surrounding chu*rches. the past week has been full of becoming orientated, fighting in pra*yer for our work permits, settling in the second lecture phase and for me--learning to lead.

some exciting highlights have included seeing a tarantula (like memeseeku's) in our classroom, becoming distracted as a class during inter*cession as the monkeys chased each other in the trees and eating a guava off a tree while washing my clothes.

i felt as if i arrived at home when we were bouncing along the road back to the base for the first time. oh how my heart loves east africa.

the village we are living in is primarily muslim. the call to prayer echos through the mango trees of the base every couple of hours. many women cover themselves with a full burka while others just a full head covering or small scarf. we have been diving into friendships this week. one exhilarating moment was when a small team of four girls returned back to a house they had visited the previous day, when they arrived, the woman asked "where is the fifth? i know there were five of you yesterday." there was a moment of confusion when they tried to communicate to the local translating that there were only four, the four that there right then. she was adament. it was clear that G*od had been with them.

We are bringers of his presence. Our value is in his love for us. Not what we do, what we complete, in his love for us.
Let us together, carry this message to the nations.

bless you my friends.


Anonymous said...

GIRL.... so proud of you!!!! So loved the 5th person part and TRUST AND BELIEVE there will be so many more of those times to come. Love on E Africa for me since I'm here in Colorado. I trust you will learn to lead and do it so well! HE has your back and gives you EVERYTHING you will need. Love to you and the girls!!!
Y Colorado Springs ;)

Anonymous said...

Can't tell you how much it means to me to hear from you and the details of your journey.
He who began a good work in YOU
will be faithful to complete it.

Megan said...

glad to hear you arrived safely bek! i am eagerly anticipating the same feeling of "arriving home" upon getting to east africa :) thanks for the update and the encouragement that comes from reading what God is doing

Anonymous said...

As usual your writing brings tears to my eyes and a fullness in my heart to hear of God's presence in the work that you are a part of! Praying for His love, His grace and His mercy to surround you and those you minister to. Much Love Cindy

Gretchen said...

Wow. A 5th person. Reminds me of setting that extra chair at the table for Jesus. Thank you for the update and blessings on your hard work and your role as leader. Hugs!