Thursday, August 28, 2008

it will be multiplied!

as of today, we are washing cars for $19 each! (aside from the money we will get from the car owner!)

praise the lord!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the last winter cafe is tonight!

I feel silly again writing a blog about how revolutionary the teaching has been, but it is looking that way again.

I think as long as we have a teachable heart, as long as we are open to recieve, as long as we are filtering people's views through the Bible, we will always be learning more and more.

This morning we had our final testimony shared. Over the past four weeks, each of us has shared our life story at small group. It has been in this time that we have seen breakthrough in one on one times (staff and student meetings), lectures and relationship. It also has to do with the progression of time, but there has been more depth and understanding coating the classroom as we learn about people's lives. I have rejoiced in my friends' redemption (and mine) endlessly. God is good. Amen?!

Anyway, I want to ask something of each of you. Would you be willing to sponsor me for our carwash this weekend? I am excited to have my friends involved with raising money for our outreach. Currently, we have seen 70,000 dollars come in, and now we need another 50,000. All of our money is due September 10. So far we are washing each car for 9 dollars! Yay! I want to see this quadrupled...atleast. Whether you can give 10 cents per car or 5 dollars per car, each bit counts. Please feel open in asking any questions!

In our financial prayer, it is often brought up, to be the persistent widow. To give of what we have, to be faithful in the small. I am convinced we will see our needs provided for, someway, somehow. We must be in a place of needing a miracle in order to see one happen.

One quick story before I post. About two weeks ago, my power adapter for my computer starting acting funny, you know, melting the plastic, smelling like you had put Glad-Ware on the bottom rack of the dish washer. It was actually so hot to touch, that I was avoiding plugging it in. I was imagining it exploding and then blasting out my computer screen. Anyway, Saturday morning, my cord spliced a three inch hole in itself. After the initial shock, I didn't know what to do. There is no Apple store, perhaps I could send it to Sydney? I wasn't sure if it was even worth the cost. Anyway, one of my roommates asked a fellow Mac user...and it turns out, a four minute walk away, is a store that honors Mac warranties. I walked over there on Monday, and by this morning had a brand new adapter. Thanks Jesus.

Anyway, guys, God is moving in Perth. How about the rest of the world? I would love to hear from you all! Thank you Sarah Park for your prayer request!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just another day at the beach.

Yesterday was Sarah's birthday. It has gone around the other schools, that if you want a party, go to the BAS. Most of it has to do with the fact that we are the smallest school, less of us to get to know, lots of love to go around...

I am feeling unispired as I begin to hack away at my computer...

This week we have the Base Leader's husband is speaking. I guess the "base founder" would be a more concise way to decribe him. The topic is "Spiritual aspects of birth". We began the week by talking about death and suffering, most of which I am still pondering.

The problem with our incredibly deep lectures, is that I am still processing by the time another week rears its head too early Monday morning. Dr. Panter last week invested his heart into our classroom each day last week. Each morning he would begin by talking about what God has laid on his heart for the morning. Most of the week we talked about running the race, and finishing well. What struck me about Dr. Panter was his zealous heart for the Burmese people. It seeped into nearly every lecture, from Women in developing countries to S.I.D.s. His passion to bring change to Burma is invigorating. He has thrown off passivity and will not let even the hardest of the hard stop him.

One story that Dr. Panter shared has stuck with me. As he was overlooking the water, close to his home in the England, he humbly thought about the blessings in his life. He had completed his medical training, opened a personal practice, brought a new baby into the was good...many people had told him and he agreed. He was truly helping people, whether during his 9-5 shift or on a Sunday morning while playing the organ at his church. As he gazed upon the waves, God asked him, "What do I think of your life?". This became a cornerstone for Dr. Panter. As he reinterated to us, God sees our motivations, God does not care about societal values, God cares about you living a life for Him.

I feel changed by this. I am still trying to take hold of it all.

On September 10, all of our outreach funds are due. Please continue to pray for strategy and release. And please, contact me with any new prayer requests.

I miss you, church guys are the bestest.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the harvest is here. the kingdom in near.

What would happen if I no longer viewed the world through my own eyes but through God's lense? First off, things would look different, more specifically, I would have a broken heart, I would hate sin, I would that it was destroying relationship, hate that was it was destroying individuals...often times I forget to do that, when that happens, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) becomes sheer evil that needs to be eradicated, I forget that they too are God's people, they too have the promises from our God, they too are seeking to know "Is there a God? Does He love me? Is He Good? What on earth am I doing here? Why do I have to face this pain?". I forget that God's heart is for these men who rape children of their innocence, I forget that God's heart is in pieces for them because they chose to shot another women who refused to become a sex slave, I forget that God is pursuing them, just as hard as he is pursuing me.

And in my pride, I weep. Weep for our broken, broken world, that has been absolutely destroyed, that has absolutely turned its back on God. I weep because He has not stopped pursuing us, no matter how far we have gone.

We are meant for joy. Yet it is a rare occasion that people are filled with happiness and much more likely chance that we are stressed, overworked, tired and weary. Where is the joy? Where have we hidden it? Why have I traded such pitiful emotions for the smiles He delights in?

In my lamenting I have begun to challenge these thoughts, do I dare look at my life in the way that God looks at it?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

and we are at the beginning of a new internet month.

I am way past due for a blog update. I did send out an email update last week, does that count for something? The thing I don't like about missing an update is because I miss details, and that seriously agitates me when I can't share all the details.

This week we had an incredible teacher. Not only was he a guy (it is nice to get some testosterone in the classroom every once in a while, although it is more work because we have to put all our models away and turn over all the posters) but his heart is beating for the lost. He presented evangelism to us as a lifestyle. I have been longing for this, but I have not seen it lived out thoroughly. When I think of it as a lifestyle I start to think, "if it is a lifestyle, how will I ever have time to do anything else?" To Danny, we must be lead by the Holy Spirit. As he put it "Jesus walked through the crowds and didn't talk to everyone".

Danny began to softly share his story with us. His parents radically became Christians when he was seventeen. He had grown up hearing the stories of Jesus because his parents forced their kids into Sunday School each week since they wanted nice kids. This transition shook Danny up and he began to push it all away. All he ever wanted was a wife and babies he said, he ended up doing his nurses training and in his early twenties his girlfriend got pregnant. When she decided to abort the baby and rejected his proposal, he went over the edge. Long story short, Danny was doing intravenous drugs for six years. At the age of thirty he came to know the Lord, and essentially has dedicated his life to making God known.

Of course it is these powerful testimonies that people think are "real testimonies", but Danny rebuked those lies, and shared how each of have a different flavour of God in our lives. What we view God as, is what we will share God as. If we see God as our source of joy, that is what people will see God as, if we haven't spent time with God in two months, that is what people will see God as. On Thursday, Thursday night and Friday afternoon, as we proclaimed to the city of Perth, I saw each of our 31 Flavours (ok there aren't 31 of us) come out.

Anyway, we saw two people come to know jesus on Thursday night. Go God! And probably fifty people prayed for...Amen.

On Monday of this week, we had a woman from Denmark come to the base and share about herself. She challenged basically everyone's thinking. What stood out to me was "the Kingdom of God will violate the world". Evangelism is not normal. Going up and talking to people, is not comfortable. Telling people that "God talks to me, I believe he thinks you are beautiful" is not a light conversation. I need to be shaken from my cozy hide. I believe this began to happen a bit more this week. I want to be a violater.

Okay, thank you for praying for our carwashes. Last week, we made $510 and this weekend $770! Go God! We really saw a release of finances.

In the headlines of this week. Drumroll please...we will be headed to Indonesia for 2 months, Cameroon for 4 months and then Sudan for 2 months. Thank you for all your prayers! We are all VERY excited for our locations and KNOW they are ordained by God.

This has been a week of the Holy Spirit moving. God is so cool.

Some prayer requests:
-I have about a fourth of my outreach fund! Praise God! I need approximately 6,000 more dollars. Pray for a release.
-We need to submit our base fundraiser sometime this will take some time to compile it. Please pray for ideas, motivation and a release!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

and so it is...

That Australia has limited bandwidth. Therefore, it takes forever to upload anything. My plans to blog when I have time have been crushed quickly with the slow dial-up speed internet, that seems a bit oxymoronesque, quickly with slow...hahaha. Now when it is moving, I don't have time. Eeek. Anyway, soon and very soon I will have time to write when the internet is moving along. Just to drop you a line though, I am alive.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Just Photos...Thanks dad, I recieved the camera cord.

This is in King's Park! It is comparable to Central Park in New is gargantuan.

We trusted God for $1200 for twelve new mattresses at the base. Between us and two other schools we raised all the money needed! Go God! God spoke to Sarah and asked her to cut her hair and sell it. She received $120. I got the last brush in just minutes before the chopping...

This is me becoming Australian. Robyn is a genuine Aussie, she is here completing the school with 5 of her 6 kids, mother and student. Her husband homeschools during the day and she covers the afternoons.

Sarah (with short hair!) from the U.S. via Peru, Melisa from B.C., Canada, Sarah; one of our staff, from Connecticut, Connie, from Norway.

This is my birthday table. Micah is the wee-one, child of Darcy (she is staring at him) our school leader, then me, then Melisa, then Connie, then Anna from Sweden and Guatemala, then Robyn, then Sarah.

Connie and I consuming Snapper and Chips...I thought halibut was everywhere. I am so ethnocentric.

Apparently Anna doesn't like being seen with us...she is in none of the photos. I promise, we love and include her.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


This week was rather heart-wrenching. As we pursued the topic of "unity", each person seemed to walk away feeling like we have a ways to go in order to attain this Biblical unity. We explored the relationships that we have and are just beginning. I am afraid my life will continually consist of people sharing information with me and following, I will feel as if I have lived a lie for the previous twenty years. Allow me to explain a couple tidbits...

Independence: This is something I have viewed as strength, wisdom and of the utmost importance. Lie number one is revealed. Our society has been feeding me these lies, and let me tell you, I have been chewing on them for years and years. I was awakened to hear that me pulling away, wanting to complete tasks on my own were destroying unity. I have thought it to be efficient to complete jobs on my own, but was reminded there is power in works being completed as a family. So although it may not be quick, it is against the ways of the enemy...revelation...convicting...Another note on this, alone time. Let me direct our attention to Genesis 2:18, "it is not good for man to be alone..." This shook me, not only is it not a good thing for me to be alone because I wasn't created this way, I don't have a right to it. I catch myself saying "I just want to be alone", "I just need God and me time", "If I could just find a few moments...", when really, this is part of taking up my cross, letting go of myself, I do not have any right to have alone time.

Sharing Burdens: I have consistently viewed this as weakness. As Colleen shared with us, again I felt convicted. By me, holding onto whatever it is I am gripping, I am not allowing others in, therefore slowing down any chance of people getting to know me, therefore not letting them feel like they can open up to me...viscious cycle. I found this well illustrated in a quote;

"You will ever understand the other person unless they reveal themself to you. They will never reveal themself to you unless they trust you, They will never trust you until they know you. They will never know you until you reveal yourself to them." -Tom Marshall

I think this is part of being weak so God can be strong.

In all of this, I am compelled to fall on my face. In all my shortcomings, God is wooing me. He has bestowed hope within me. He wants to change the world with me. God's character is beaming through all the darkness. I have messed up with friends, he brings hope. I have broken communication, he gives hope. I have hindered unity, he is offering even more hope.

His glory cannot possibly be contained. The mountains will bow at his feet. The oceans will roar. My friends, I have fallen deeply in love with My Lord.